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globe COMMUNITY Partnerships 

The Globe and Bangabandhu Soft Federation

From September 2018 Globe has been in a soft federation partnership with another Tower Hamlets school, Bangabandhu Primary, which is just a five minutes-walk from Globe.

As a soft federation both Globe and Bangabandhu retain their own individual identities, ethos and uniqueness but benefit greatly from the partnership in terms of sharing resources as well as staff collaboration and training opportunities. Both schools have their own Governing Body and budget. Ms Maxwell is the Executive Headteacher of both schools and splits her time equally between both schools. 

Click here for more information on the soft federation.

THE Partnership - Tower Hamlets Education Partnership (THEP)

We work with THE Partnership, Tower Hamlets Education Partnership (THEP).

THEP is a schools' company established by school leaders to deliver high quality school improvement to all Tower Hamlets schools. It is rooted in the highly successful collaboration that has characterised and underpinned education in the borough over the last two decades. The schools within THEP operate as a family to support, challenge and encourage each other in their determination to do the very best for every child.

THEP is independent of the Local Authority, but works closely with it and is supported by it.

Through our partnership with THEP we benefit from: CPD and training opportunities, school improvement team support, leadership consultant support and the peer review, school improvement mechanism.

Click here to find out more about THEP and the work they do.

 Tower Hamlets Arts and Music Education Service - THAMES

Many THAMES tutors work within our school each week as well as our school hosting the THAMES Wednesday Music Centre. 

Click here to find out more details about our Music Curriculum. 

The Felix Project

The Felix Project collects fresh, nutritious food that cannot be sold and delivers this surplus food to charities and schools so they can provide healthy meals and help the most vulnerable in our society. Fresh fruit, vegetables and packaged food is delivered to our school each Friday by The Felix Project. Our parents take home and use this food which would have otherwise gone to waste.

Click here to find out more about The Felix Project and  their School's Programme.

Debate Mate 

Debate Mate is a registered charity that hires top university students who are skilled debaters to become inspirational peer mentors who then work with our school to run after-school debate clubs. The vast majority of our Y5/6 students attend these clubs. Students take part in a 17 week programme each year.

They offer students the chance to develop their debating skills and participate in local and national competitions.

Please click here to find out more about Debating at Globe.

The Young V&A

Globe had a long standing partnership with the Museum of Childhood, Bethnal Green; working with them on numerous projects and in particular the Museum Take Over day where our children ran the Museum for a day.  We have continued this relationship during the Museum's refubishment period and our children's views have contributed to the redesign of what the Museum is now known as, the Young V&A - https://www.vam.ac.uk/young.


IntoUniversity provides local learning centres where young people are inspired to achieve.

At each local centre IntoUniversity offers an innovative programme that supports young people from disadvantaged backgrounds to attain either a university place or another chosen aspiration.  

Globe has taken part in the Primary FOCUS Programme for many years now. It is a two-year package of focused learning for classes in Years 5 and 6. The programme supports and enhances the National Curriculum. This is what happens:

Year 5 - 'What is a University?' Workshop and FOCUS Day. The class are introduced to and familiarised with university life and learning. The class focus on a particular curriculum area, chosen by our school, and work in teams to develop cooperation skills.

Year 6 - FOCUS Week and Transition Workshop. The FOCUS Week offers the class five days of concentrated learning on a topic of the school's choosing, ending with a graduation at a top university. The Transition Workshop gives students the chance to discuss and prepare for their transition to secondary school and think about their future.

For further details please see IntoUniversity's Primary FOCUS brochure. You can also watch a short film about IntoUniversity's Primary School Programmes.  

Chapter One UK

Chapter One is an online platform that pairs corporate volunteers from all over the UK with disadvantaged children in KS1 who need reading practice. Chapter One is currently available to primary schools that have a higher than national average number of Free School Meals and/or English as an Additional Language in Bradford, Doncaster, East Sussex, Edinburgh, Glasgow, Leeds, London, Middlesborough and Peterborough.

Volunteers link directly from their workplace to a dedicated classroom laptop using the Chapter One internet platform and a voice connection. Volunteers and their reading partners ‘meet’ for 30-minutes every week through the academic year to read stories and play literacy-related games that improve fluency and comprehension and build reading confidence.

All volunteers are subject to an Enhanced DBS check and undergo online training that covers

The Chapter One programme can be used to support up to 10 pupils per Year 1 or Year 2 class (P2/3 in Scotland). Chapter One provides a dedicated and secure laptop and headset for pupils to use that can be set up easily in a corner of the classroom. The platform provides a library of more than 300 stories, fully decodable at the lower levels, alongside word and literacy games to reinforce key skills in an engaging way.