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Health and Medical Needs

How do we support children with health and medical needs?

At Globe, we are able to support and make provision for children with a range of health and medical needs. We work closely with the Tower Hamlets School Nursing Service in order to provide the best possible care for the children within our school, and to ensure that children have a good understanding of how to keep themselves healthy.

Parents/carers will be asked at admission meetings to inform us of any health or medical needs. If any needs arise following admission, we ask parents/carers to inform us of these immediately through the school office. We keep and regularly update registers of children with common conditions, such as asthma, eczema and allergies, and these are shared with all staff so that they are aware of children’s needs.

All children with food allergies are given a badge to wear at lunchtimes detailing which foods they are to avoid. This ensures that lunchtime staff are aware of their dietary requirements.

Every child who has a serious medical condition or who needs to take regular medication while they are in school has a care plan, which is drawn up by the School Nurse, the child’s parent/carer and the Assistant Headteacher responsible for health and medical needs. The care plan is shared with all staff working with the child, and a copy is kept with their medication in the classroom or school office. Daily records are kept to monitor the administration of the medication, and the care plan is updated once a year or if there is any change to the type or dosage of the medication.

If a child requires medication for a short period of time (for example, antibiotics), we ask parents/carers to complete and sign a form at the school office to authorise us to administer this medication to this child, and to give us details of dosage and storage of the medication.

Click here to read our Supporting Children with Medical Needs Policy.

Click here for our First Aid Policy

Click here for our Asthma Policy

How are staff trained to treat children with health and medical needs?

There are numerous members of staff within school who are trained in basic First Aid. However, as we regularly make provision for children with specific medical needs, we also have access to more specialised training from the specialist and community nursing teams within the local authority. As soon as we are aware of a child’s specific medical condition, training is arranged for all staff working with the child and this is repeated every year when the child moves to a new class and year group. Staff members administering medication to children will also have specific training before they are able to do this.

How do we ensure equal opportunities for children with health and medical needs?

Children with health and medical needs are encouraged to take a full and active part in the curriculum and in school life. Any medication required by a particular child is easily accessible to staff so that it can be administered when needed. This means that medication is always taken on regular outings, such as swimming, as well as on all school trips. For all trips, including residential trips in Key Stage 2, the staff accompanying the children are fully trained in how to administer any medication to specific children. This often means that a training session with parents/carers/medical professionals is carried out prior to the trip, so that staff feel confident in administering any relevant treatment including medication, physiotherapy or support with self-care.

Who is responsible for health and medical needs within school?

Jane Nashashibi, SENDCO, is responsible for overseeing the care of children with health and medical needs. We have a school nurse from the Tower Hamlets School Nursing Service allocated to Globe for the duration of this academic year and she is able to meet with parents to draw up or review health care plans, give general healthcare advice and carry out healthcare checks for specific children at the request of parents/carers or other medical professionals.