Behaviour Expectations
Creating the best conditions for learning: Good Behaviour
'Pupils work hard in lessons, respend eagerly to questions from staff and demonstrate exemplary behaviours in and around the school.' (OFSTED 2024)
The personal development of pupils is exceptional. they act as proud ambassadors for their school and local community. Pupils love the opportunities the school provides to be of sevice to others. ' (OFSTED 2024)
'The behaviour of pupils is outstanding.' (OFSTED 2017)
Outstanding behaviour is essential at school, to enable children and their peers to learn effectively individually and collaboratively.
We insist on high standards of behaviour so that all children come to school feeling happy, safe and ready to learn. This is achieved by a clear behaviour policy, the explicit teaching or the Globe Way, our behaviour curriculum and consistent expecation of and re-enforcement of positive behaviour.
We always seek to promote excellent behaviour inside and outside the classroom to enable our children to be responsible and caring individuals.
Our Behaviour Curriculum - The Globe Way
We explicitly teach good behaviour in the same way we teach other areas, through a curriculum. We call our curriculum 'The Globe Way'.
The process we follow for teaching behaviour explicitly is:
- 1. Identify the routines you want to see
2 Communicate in detail your expectations
3. Practise the routines until everyone can do them
4. Reinforce, maintain and patrol the routines constantly.
The Globe Way behaviour curriculum content is covered in depth in Autumn Term 1 and revisited throughout the year.
We expect all our pupils to be good Globe Citizens and follow all the Globe Values. To be a Good Globe Citizen you must follow 3 overarching principles of behaviour. They are:
- be respectful,
- be responsible,
- be ready to learn
What does being a Good Globe Citizen mean?
Be Respectful |
Be Responsible |
Be Ready to Learn |
I show good manners. This means:
I am honest. This means:
I show that I am ready to learn. This means:
Good Listening means:
I take responsibility for my own actions.
I use a kind tone of voice to others. This means:
I take responsibility for my home learning. This means:
I ask before taking.
I look after school property and our school environment. This means:
To foster positive behaviour children are rewarded through Good News certificates, Globe Award Cards, special privileges and having responsibilities within the school community.
Occasionally, a child may not adhere to these values. In order to develop a child’s learning behaviour or their understanding of responsibility to the school community sanctions are given. If a child continues to misbehave repeatedly or if their behaviour is rather more serious, then the Head of School will ask parents to come to school to talk about the inappropriate behaviour and how it can be resolved. Additionally, in some circumstances the school will use outside agencies to support children, families and the school with behaviour issues. Finally, in extreme circumstances children may be excluded for a fixed number of days or permanently.
Click here to read our Behaviour Policy.
Ways to support your child’s behaviour in school
- Become familiar with the behaviour policy and school values
- Talk about the 'traffic light system' with your child to help them understand it
- Come to talk to us about anything in the policy you do not understand
- Be supportive of school decisions regarding your child’s behaviour
- Talk to a member of staff if you have any concerns
Globe Rights Respecting Values
These are the rights which the whole school community have chosen and which we all respect. These underpin our actions and children are praised for respecting these rights and reminded of them when they do not.Our Rights Respecting Playground Charter
- This is our Playground Charter, an agreement between staff and children to make playtimes active, happy, safe and rights respecting. Children voted on which rights from the United Nations Convention of the Child were most relevant within the playground. From this, staff and children all contributed to what actions they needed to take in order that these rights are always respected. This Playground Charter is displayed throughout our playground and in all classrooms so that we can always refer to it.
Click here to read Our Playground Charter.