Mathematics at Globe
What does the Mathematics Curriculum look like at Globe?
At Globe we use ‘Big Maths’, as we believe the programme supported by other materials and interventions helps our children to become effective mathematicians and raises whole school standards in Mathematics. This maths curriuclum starts in Nursery and progressively builds on leanring through to Year 6.
As an inner London school, we serve a diverse community of learners and want all children to have the knowledge, skills and understanding to work with and manipulate numbers and learn within the wider maths curriculum with confidence.
Mathematics lessons are daily and are 60 minutes long. At Globe we have embedded structured lessons, based around the children understanding core number. A typical number lesson will consist of –
Counting 5 minutes, Learn its (number facts) 5 minutes
Its Nothing New (connecting prior learning to future learning) 5 minutes
Calculation/Column Methods (retrieving previously taught strategies) before moving into the main objective.
Thus, within a lesson, children are taught at least 5 different skills, straightforwardly identified from assessments, hence, appropriately challenging them and managing their cognitive load. Differentiation, is structured through the knowledge taught and/or the types of challenges; procedural methods to word problems, moving to mastery. There is a clear progression of skills and knowledge taught.
Calculation expectations and progression in each year group, are based on age related expectations. From these age-related expectations our children have learning pitched appropriately, building their knowledge from previous learning. At Globe children are comfortable with new learning because they are continually building on previous knowledge, making connections because their learning is guided through the curriculum, as a result, new learning is doable and old learning sticks (is in the long-term memory). This is because at Globe, we have organised the curriculum content detail into small manageable steps for the children. If children have gaps in their learning then previous steps can be taught, to address misconceptions so they can confidently develop the skills in subsequent steps. Through these sequential steps all children are able to embed their understanding of mathematical concepts from the working memory to the long-term memory. Therefore, Globe children love maths because they are successful learners.
At Globe, many of our Teaching Assistants do a daily Learn Its (number facts) intervention programme, so that our children don’t fall behind knowing the age-related number facts. We follow a very systematic schedule, which means all children are expected to (and most do) know all their times tables facts by the end of Year 4.
Here are some examples of our low stakes weekly maths assessments:
Learn Its (number facts)
Reception. Year 1. Year 2. Year 3. Year 4. Year 5. Year 6.
Reception. Year 1. Year 2. Year 3. Year 4. Year 5. Year 6.
Wider Maths
Reception. Year 1. Year 2. Year 3. Year 4. Year 5. Year 6.
Please click here to see a document whihc demonstrates how the Early Years maths curriculum links to and prepares children for the Key Stage 1 curriculum.
Low stake weekly core number assessments (we call them CLIC) and wider maths assessments (we call them SAFE) allow us to track children’s progress. Senior leaders and class teachers can easily gain information about:
- Learning gaps, what specifically children have and have not learned
- Which pupils are on track in core number
- Percentage of pupils on track in each class in core number
- Which pupils are on track understanding the objectives of the wider maths curriculum
- Percentage of pupils on track in each class, understanding the objectives of the wider curriculum
- Progress children have made in core maths and wider assessments during the academic year. It is expected that children will become secure in 10 new skills a term
This information is really useful as a basis for professional dialogue about:
- Children not on track, why they are not on track and provisions that can be made for them
- Children not making the necessary progress and which skills they need to develop to make the necessary progress
From these conversations interventions are straightforwardly put into place, so that children have misconceptions and skills gaps addressed.
To summarise the intent, implementation and impact of the mathematics curriculum at Globe we:
- Manage pupil’s cognitive load
- Deliver a sequential curriculum covering National Curriculum expectations, embedding old learning and making new learning doable
- Provide a consistent but exciting pedagogical approach to Mathematics, enabling confident learners
- Have a robust assessment system, which easily tracks the progress, attainment and next learning steps of cohorts and individuals
- Are transparent about the mathematical methods used in school
Curriculum Maps - Intent
Below is the curriculum map, our intent, broken into each year group (click to open link). In some year groups we have adjusted the curriculum to meet the needs of some lower attaining children in order that they can spend longer on key objectives to ensure they are secure in this basic knowledge.
Year 2 Maths Curriculum - adapted
Year 3 Maths Curriculum - adapted
Year 4 Maths Curriculum - adapted
Year 5 Maths Curriculum - adapted
This link will take you to the the Globe Curriculum page where you will find the curriculum map for each year. These give an overview of what is taught in subject area, our curriculum intent.
Click here to see a case study of our school's maths development
Parent Information - Below you will find some information booklets that explain the calculation methods used at Globe.
Year 1 Maths Calculation Parent Guide
Year 2 Maths Calculation Parent Guide
Year 3 Maths Calculation Parent Guide
Year 4 Maths Calculation Parent Guide
Year 5 Maths Calculation Parent Guide
Year 6 Maths Calculation Parent Guide
Y4 Multiplication Tables Check - Parent Information Booklet
Click here to go to our Maths Calculations Videos.
Our Whole School Calculations Written Methods Policy
Curriculum and Expectation Booklets for Parents
These booklets give an overview of our Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 curriculum. They explain what is taught in each subject area as well as outlining some of the expectations we have for children. Parents are given these booklets at the start of each year and they are sent electronically with each term's newsletter.
2024/2025 Curriculum Booklets (Cycle 1)
Year 1 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
Year 2 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
Year 3 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
Year 4 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
Year 5 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
Year 6 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
2023/2024 Curriculum Booklets (Cycle 2)
Year 1 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
Year 2 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
Year 3 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents
Year 4 Curriculum and Expectations Booklet for Parents