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Early Years - Nursery and Reception

'Pupils get an excellent start to school life and love coming to school each day.'  (OFSTED 2024)

'Parents and carers are overwhelmingly posiitve about the school.  From the moment their children start in early years or as new arrivals, parents say they feel part of the school family.'  (OFSTED 2024)

'The school has established a highly developed curriculum for all ages and subjects. This all starts from the exceptional early years provision.'  (OFSTED 2024)

'The effective development of children's communication and language is at the heart of the early years.' (OFSTED 2024)

Watch this video to meet the teachers and see our fantastic learning environment.

Here is a list of times we currently have available to visit regarding places for our September 2025 Nursery and Reception classes.

Please call the school office on 020 8980 1738 to book your time.  Appointments can only be made by contacting school, please do not turn up on the day.



Click here for our Welcome to Early Years Booklet 2024 -2025 - useful information

This is how we learn in Early Years

Welcome to Nursery Presentation

Meet the Nursery Class - Maya Angelou Class

Welcome to Reception Presentation

Meet the Reception Team - Florence Nightingale Class

Meet the Reception Team - Mary Seacole Class

Here is the Early Years Statutory Framework (what should be taught in Early Years)

Talking With Your Children - Activities for Parents to Help Nursery Children's Speaking and Listening Skills

Reception Baseline Assessment - Information booklet for parents

Reception Timetable

Nursery Timetable 

Globe's Early Years Policy

Early Years Settling In Policy

Early Years Key Person Policy

Our Latest Early Years Newsletter

General Whole School Information Booklet 

Toilet Training Advice

This is who we are

If you are a prospective parent and would like to visit, please find visit dates in this leaflet. Please click here.

We grow our minds, skills, friendships and hearts here! 

The Early Years is the foundation of your child’s learning and is where they will learn the skills that will help them get the best start in life. We strive to create a nurturing, a safe and a happy place for our young learners to grow their skills, abilities and mindsets. We create an enchanting, engaging and stimulating learning environment full of inspirational learning opportunities to make their learning journey a motivating and a unique experience. We welcome all of our children and their families with open hands, open hearts and open minds and we are committed to building strong and reliable relationships as a base for a greater future for all of us. 

What to Expect in the Early Years - a Guide for Parents

New Curriculum

At Globe we follow the new revised Early Years Curriculum in conjunction with the new guidelines. It sets standards for the learning, development and care of your child from birth to 5 years old.

We are strong believers in learning through play with a balanced set of more structured lessons. Our play-based curriculum has been designed specifically to meet the needs of our youngest learners with an emphasis on the unique child at the centre. The curriculum takes a holistic approach to teaching and learning and is based on educational programmes, the Prime Areas and the Specific Areas, on the skills and knowledge that we would like our children to gain during their time in Early Years. The progression of both skills and knowledge is carefully planned half-termly and used when planning each topic to break down the learning for each subject, within each year group, into smaller stepping stones. This way of planning gives teachers a step-by-step guide for the order in which the content of a subject should be taught. 

From September 2021 our new revised Curriculum has been built on the guidelines listed in the New Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage

Development Matters - Non statutory curriculum guidance for the Early Years Foundation Stage

The Prime Areas – The prime areas of learning are divided into three sections, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. The prime areas are important because they lay the foundations for children’s success in all other areas of learning and of life.


Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In this area children develop confidence, self-esteem and self-regulation skills. They learn about relationships and how to express their feelings. Children learn about sharing, taking turns and negotiating with others. They begin to understand rules but also develop the sense of responsibly and respect, develop their independence skills and they will learn about the importance of hygiene, self-care and oral health. 

Personal, Social and Emotional Development - progression of skills from Nursery to end of Reception

Health and Relationships - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Communication and Language

In this area children talk about what they want and feel, likes and dislikes. They have opportunities to express themselves through role-play and they can enjoy stories, songs, poems and rhymes. Children use language to describe past and present experiences, and sequence events. Children will learn to speak in small and large groups and listen and follow instructions, also listening carefully to others and demonstrate asking interesting and appropriate questions.

Communication and Language Development -  progression of skills from Nursery to end of Reception

Physical Development

This area sees children playing and learning inside and outside. They become good at moving, climbing, controlling, catching, throwing and coordinating with more and more skill. 

They will get opportunities to chase, race, jump, balance and play with a partner and in teams. Children will find out about keeping healthy as well as learning to dress and undress themselves. They will use different types of tools for drawing, painting, cutting and sticking to develop fine motor skills.  

Physical Development -  progression of skills from Nursery to end of Reception

Physical Education - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 


The Specific Areas – The specific areas are divided into three sections - literacy, mathematics, understanding the world and expressive arts and design. The specific areas provide the range of experiences and opportunities for children to broaden their knowledge and skills.


In this area children handle and share books with others. Children will have chances to see letters and words written down, they will learn the sounds of the alphabet through phonic sessions and speaking and listening activities. In this area children handle and share books with others. Children will have chances to see letters and words written down, they will learn the sounds of the alphabet through phonics sessions and speaking and listening activities. They will start to hear the different sounds that make up a word and apply this knowledge when looking at words in books and begin to read with comprehension and write captions and sentences. 

Literacy Development   progression of skills from Nursery to end of Reception


In this area the children sort and group objects and materials, explaining why they have done something. They will compare height, weight, size and texture. Children will begin to use positional language to tell where things are and to put things in order. Children have opportunities to make models with shapes and talk about them and what they look like. They will then notice and make patterns with them. Children will recognise numbers around them, they will begin to count, add objects together and take them away. They will start to put events in order and investigate how to solve practical problems.  

Mathematics Development -  progression of skills from Nursery to end of Reception

Mathematics - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links

Understanding the World

In this area the children have opportunities to explore and investigate the world around them. They will be able to look at and talk about objects, materials, living creatures and plant life, noticing details, similarities and difference. They will try things out and come to some conclusions and see reason.

Children will have support to record findings by drawing, using the computer and camera. They will begin to know about different people and their cultures, past and present, traditions and places in the community.


Understanding the World -  progression of skills from Nursery to end of Reception

Religious Education - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Science - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Geography - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

History - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links

Expressive Art and Design

In this area, children will express their own thoughts, ideas and feelings through drawing, painting and model making.

They will have the chance to design and make their own creations using man-made and natural materials.

They will explore colour, shape and texture using their senses. Children will be able to listen to and make their own music, dance, sing songs and take part in imaginative role play with others.

Expressive Art and Design - progression of skills from Nursery to end of Reception

Design & Technology - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Music - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links

Art & Design - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

The Characteristics of Effective Learning

The above areas are all about what the children learn but an equal emphasis is also placed on how the children learn. The characteristics of effective learning are the way in which children engage with other people and their environment and are divided into three sections, playing and exploring, active learning and creating and thinking critically.



Playing and Exploring

This looks at how children engage with people and the environment surrounding them. We want our children to find out about things and explore. We want them to play with what they know and be willing to ‘have a go’ no matter how big or small the challenge.




Active Learning

We want our children to build growth mindset and to keep trying regardless of how big or small the challenge is.

This looks at children’s motivation and we want children to get involved in activities and be able to concentrate, particularly on activities that they have chosen themselves.

We want children to persevere in what they choose to do and also have a sense of pride and achievement in what they set out to do.




Creating and Thinking Critically

This is about children’s thinking and we want children to have their own ideas, make links between what they know and what they learn and also be in charge of the way they do things.



What does learning look like in Early Years at Globe Primary School?


At Globe Primary School we have a commitment to ensure that we provide a broad and enriching curriculum that meets the needs of all our learners. We do not follow a set list of topics but instead choose our half termly topics based on the needs and interests of learners. Examples of our recent topics include:

Art Attack! – The children spent the half term learning all about different artists and styles of art. From Anish Kapoor to Claude Monet the children sculpted, drew, painted and modelled their ideas into the most fantastic creations and we put all of their art on display at the end of the term for parents to come and see.

High in the Sky! – The children developed a real interest in building and famous buildings so we decided to learn all about different types of building from around the world. The children ‘travelled’ far and wide to learn about famous buildings such as the Eiffel Tower and the Pyramids and enjoyed reconstructing them using a range of materials.

Once Upon a Time … – This topic was inspired by the children’s love of stories and storytelling and included creating their own stories through interactive storytelling techniques, writing their own stories and making videos with the iPad. The children’s creativity came alive and the topic culminated in a show for the parents, which was the highlight of the half term.

As well as following the topics we ensure that our children are prepared for the next stage in their academic career and the children have small focused sessions of learning throughout the day.

These sessions include:

  • Listening and Pre-Phonics (Nursery)
  • Reading and Writing (Reception)
  • Maths
  • Mindfulness and Yoga (Reception and Nursery)
  • Music
  • Forest School
  • PE
  • Cooking
  • Art Lessons
  • Science Experiments
  • Woodwork Activities
  • Gardening


Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Progression

Our Early Years curriculum forms the foundation for the National Curriculum which is taught from Year 1 onwards.  Once children enter in Year 1, they are taught subjects.  The documents below demonstrate the links between the Early Years and the Key Stage 1 curriculum, including the specifc vocabulary which will be taught to enable curriuclum access.

Art & Design - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Computing -Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Design & Technology - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Geography - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Health and Relationships - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

History - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links

Mathematics - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links

Music - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links

Physical Education - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Religious Education - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links 

Science - Early Years to Key Stage 1 Curriculum Links